Sanyo Senko Co., Ltd. has engaged in its business endeavors through the three eras of Taisho, Showa, and Heisei while making its own history. The textile industry, to which we belong, was once called an industry star that served as the leader of the esteemed “Made in Japan” image during the Taisho era and as the foundation for postwar reconstruction in the Showa era. At the end of the Heisei era, information-related industries, especially IT companies scaled new heights of prosperity, and manufacturing industries shifted their sights on manufacturing in China and other overseas sites. What we have witnessed is “manufacturing,” that was always considered a specialty of Japan, suddenly vanish before our eyes. There is little doubt that in the present age when digital culture has hit its stride, the manufacturing industry, especially, the textile industry may be thought of as a premodern and analog industry which is placed at the opposite end of “digital.” However, we do not think that what is being produced by “analog manufacturing” with human hands, that truly results in the addition of sensitivity and originality, are by any means inferior to mechanically-produced goods. It kindles a sense of appreciation by the people that use the products. As the saying, “Many men, many minds”, human sensitivity should never be made uniform simply by a mere line. There is no absolute standard. However, we take pride in our many skilled “craftsmen” who have cultivated experience and unique know-how over many years that cannot be simply quantified. “Manufacturing” combines the convenience and accuracy specific to “digital” and flexibility and originality unique to “analog.” We incorporate the new with the good, while preserving traditions that are worth protecting. We are not ashamed but rather proud of “retaining an analog existence” and will continue to pursue further improvements in quality, taking advantage of our traditions and innovations, together with our superior personnel and experience, to achieve higher customer satisfaction. We would appreciate your continued support.
Soichiro Matsumoto
Representative Director and President