Corporate Responsibility: Positively engaged in antipollution measures
The dyeing industry is known to cause harm to the environment, due to high energy usage and wastewater that contains dye compounds. Taking into consideration current state of environmental pollution that continues to advance on a global scale, we are actively address environmental issues as a responsible corporate citizen.
■ CO2 reduction through the introduction of natural gas boilers
We introduced a combination of natural gas boilers in March 2009 with the cooperation of our affiliated company Fukuyama-gas Co., Ltd. In combination with a heavy oil boiler, we have achieved a more efficient and optimum energy mix.
■ Introduction of state-of-the-art energy-saving facility (BISON CYCLONE Generator)
Fuel energy savings is a major challenge for a dye factory as it heavily impacts cost. We make every effort to reduce costs on a continuous basis by introducing state-of-the-art energy-saving equipment.
■ Large-scaled wastewater treatment facility
As a company with a large-scale facility, we, a responsible partner within our community, have established a wastewater treatment facility that significantly minimizes the environmental ramifications of production.
■ Massive reduction in CO2 and water usage by anhydrous processing using nano pigments
A large amount of water is used in the dyeing process. The development of a dyeing method using nano pigments has made it possible to conduct the dyeing process without the use of water.
■ Elimination of excessive packaging to reduce environmental loads
Excessive packaging only increases the quantity of waste. We strictly keep in mind each appropriate mode of packing.
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