Striving to maintain and build customer trust
■ High quality with proven results
We conduct color quality control and quality management taking advantage of the benefits of both digital and analog in order to improve quality in dyeing and processing. We focus on thorough implementation of operating rules and storage and management of data and recipes to enhance color repeatability, as well as centralized management of quality and planning by the Planning and Research Division to quickly resolve any problems that arise. Such efforts have been recognized and adopted not only by Japan’s top apparel makers and local major uniform manufacturers which require strict quality standards, but also by Intertek, the global certification organization with globally recognized customers of well-known brands.
■ Uncompromising inspections standards that ensure high quality
Each inspection we conduct plays an important role in quality improvement. We conduct various types of inspections implemented at appropriate stages, such as acceptance inspection at the time of receiving a fabric, in-process inspection at the completion of dyeing, physical property inspection at the completion of processing, and appearance inspection by whole fabric flow inspection. We also conduct physical property management in accordance with Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS), which makes it possible to publish various types of physical property data. Such an uncompromising inspection system and thorough compliance with rules and regulations posture instills us with confidence in our products and world-class quality.
Inspection details
■ Acceptance Inspection
In step with globalization, we acquire our fabrics from all over the world. We ensure strict inspection for any type of blemish that may occur at the time of transportation. We pay careful attention to appearance inspections and quantity inspections at the time of accepting a fabric, supplier checks, and relevant identification markings, as well as contacting suppliers to notify them of any non-conforming products.
■ In-process Inspection
In order to find the cause of a defect promptly, each person in charge is responsible for conducting an inspection at each stage appropriately set out (typically, color inspection at completion of water washing). In addition, we conduct a two-stage inspection consisting of numerical inspection by means of a color difference meter and a visual sensitivity inspection by a qualified inspector, and are able to make measurements of color by means of various light sources such as A illuminant, C illuminant, and D65 illuminant. Data operation rules and retention times are also set to ensure repeat management.
■ Physical Property Inspection
In order to meet demands for high quality by Japan’s apparel makers, after completion of processing, we conduct measurements to determine that physical property standards are met by conducting inspections in accordance with Japan Industrial Standards (JIS). We handle nearly all requirements related to general data, such as shrinkage ratios, light fastness, wash fastness, sweat fastness, dry/wet friction and tensile/tearing. Data can be submitted as a Quality Test Report.
■ Final Inspection
Only products that meet all requirements will undergo total flow inspection. An appearance inspection by qualified inspectors and an inspection in accordance with Japan’s textile inspection standards are also conducted to strictly check products at the final stage of quality management. A fabric’s shape for shipment can be tailored to a customer’s requirements, such as round roll, tatami, and beam roll, we are also able to accommodate any required export specifications in cooperation with our business partners.